The Rich Tapestry of Characters in Record of Ragnarok: A Mythological Showdown


The Rich Tapestry of Characters in Record of Ragnarok: A Mythological Showdown

Record of Ragnarok, a gripping manga series by the talented trio of Shinya Umemura, Takumi Fukui, and Ajichika, beckons readers into a cosmic battle between gods and humanity. Set against the cataclysmic event of Ragnarok from Norse mythology, the series introduces an eclectic cast of record of ragnarok characters drawn from various mythologies worldwide. 

1. Thor: The Thunderous Force

Thor, a prominent figure in Norse mythology, emerges as an imposing force within the series. His awe-inspiring might and mastery over thunder and lightning create an aura of both power and grandeur. Mjölnir, his enchanted hammer, possesses formidable destructive capabilities. Thor embodies the raw, untamed power of nature, making him a formidable adversary for any participant in the Ragnarok tournament.

2. Lu Bu: The Unyielding Warrior

Lu Bu, based on a historical figure from Chinese history, emerges as a legendary warrior known for his unmatched combat prowess. Often seen astride the formidable Red Hare, he wields a black halberd with unparalleled finesse. Lu Bu’s stoic demeanor and unwavering determination establish him as a force to be reckoned with in the tournament.

3. Adam: The Genesis of Humanity

Adam, originating from the Judeo-Christian tradition, is depicted as the progenitor of humanity according to the Bible. In Record of Ragnarok, he embodies serene wisdom and extraordinary physical prowess. His fighting style is a seamless fusion of grace and power, mirroring his status as the original human being.

4. Kojiro Sasaki: The Master Swordsman

Kojiro Sasaki, a historical figure from feudal Japan, is renowned for his exceptional swordsmanship. Armed with a nodachi, a large two-handed sword, he wields it with unparalleled precision. 

5. Heracles: The Legend Among Legends

Heracles, a Greek demigod, stands as one of the most iconic figures in Greek mythology. Possessing unmatched strength and boundless courage, he is recognized by his lion’s pelt and formidable club. His jovial and amiable personality contrasts sharply with his remarkable combat abilities, creating a character of depth and endearment.

6. Zeus: The Supreme Arbiter

Zeus, the chief deity of Greek mythology, serves as the overseer and arbiter of the Ragnarok tournament. His imposing presence and regal demeanor reflect his status as the king of the gods. Although he refrains from direct participation in battles, his decisions and interventions wield a profound influence on the course of events.

7. Poseidon: The Dominion of the Seas

Another prominent figure from Greek mythology, Poseidon is the brother of Zeus and the god of the sea. His trident, symbolizing his dominion over the oceans, grants him formidable control over water. Poseidon’s intense rivalry with Zeus adds an intriguing dynamic to the narrative, as their clashes often dictate the outcomes of battles.

8. Shiva: The Dance of Destruction

Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, is revered as the god of destruction. With multiple arms and a serene countenance, Shiva embodies both creation and annihilation. His cosmic dance, the Tandava, is a mesmerizing and devastating display of power. Shiva’s enigmatic nature and his role as a force of balance in the universe make him a compelling addition to the roster of characters.


Record of Ragnarok weaves a tapestry of diverse mythologies, uniting legendary figures from across the globe in a high-stakes battle for the survival of humanity. Each character, with their unique abilities and intricate backgrounds, contributes profoundly to the narrative. Each character is a testament to the creators’ meticulous research and artistic prowess, bringing to life legendary figures with remarkable depth and authenticity. 

In stark contrast stands Adam, the first man according to Judeo-Christian tradition. Portrayed with serene wisdom and extraordinary physical prowess, Adam’s fighting style embodies a harmonious blend of grace and power, reflecting his status as the original human being. Kojiro Sasaki, a historical swordsman from feudal Japan, is another character who adds depth to the rosterHis exceptional swordsmanship, demonstrated with a nodachi, a large two-handed sword, showcases a level of precision and skill that is both captivating and lethal. Meanwhile, Heracles, the Greek demigod of unmatched strength, is instantly recognizable with his lion’s pelt and formidable club. 

His jovial disposition belies his incredible combat abilities, creating a multi-faceted character that resonates with readers on multiple levels.The divine overseers of this cosmic showdown are none other than Zeus and Poseidon, the king and sea god of Greek mythology respectively. Zeus, with his regal demeanor and imposing presence, serves as the arbiter of the Ragnarok tournament. While he refrains from direct combat, his decisions and interventions hold immense sway over the course of events. 

Shiva, a principal deity in Hinduism, steps into the arena as the god of destruction. With multiple arms and an enigmatic countenance, Shiva embodies both creation and annihilation. His cosmic dance, the Tandava, is a mesmerizing display of power, underscoring his pivotal role as a force of balance in the universe. This character, steeped in profound symbolism and mythology, enriches the narrative with its layers of meaning and depth.