
Your reliable guideline about NHS dentist and NHS treatments

Your reliable guideline about NHS dentist and NHS treatments

How to find a dentist?

Feel free to use the Dentist Search tool. It helps you find a dentist in your locality. Then you can contact with the practice and find out what formalities you have to do to sign up as their patient. If you have already signed up as a patient at any dental practice it is necessary to attend regular check-ups to ensure sound oral health. I am treated by an NHS dentist. So, what am I allowed to?

Since you have been cured by an NHS dentist, in that case you are entitled to the following –

  • A treatment strategy along with a documented cost estimate.
  • The treatment plan contains details of the NHS treatment along with any other private treatment that you have agreed to
  • An information leaflet about the practice  
  • A list of all the treatments that are required to secure and maintain sound oral health
  • A national set of treatment charges
  • Advice and treatment in an emergency if and when necessary
  • A maximum charge for each treatment course
  • Private treatment in addition to or as alternative to NHS treatment
  • Free or reduced treatment cost for certain groups of patients
  • An examination and sometimes care provided at their homes meant for some patients
  • Access to the procedure of lodging formal complaints

How often should a routine check-up be scheduled with a dentist?

Earlier it was considered a gap of six months is alright between routine checkups of the mouth. But now that has changed says a renowned NHS dentist in Wimbledon. As per the National Institute for Clinical Excellence guidelines the time between consecutive routine checkups could be shorter or longer than six months and that depends on how strong and healthy teeth and the gums one has. Your dentist assesses your overall oral health and discusses with you to fix the ideal gap between your two consecutive oral health checkups.

Is it possible to see a dentist for NHS or private care?

At the beginning your dentist agrees with you on whether your treatment will be through the NHS, private or as a mixture of the two. If at any point of time you feel confused just ask your dentist or the practice receptionist to guide you.

Will I be charged for the treatment?

NHS dental treatments are free for you if at the time of starting of the treatment –

  • You are newer than 18 years old.
  • You are 18 years of age and involved in full time education
  • You are pregnant
  • You have given birth to a baby within 12 months of starting the treatment
  • You are an NHS in-patient and the hospital dentist performs your treatments
  • You are an out-patient at any NHS Dental Service

**It is important to note that for bridges and dentures you could be charged.

Tell me about Free NHS Dental Examinations

Under the NHS you are entitled to free dental examinations under the following conditions explains a renowned Wimbledon NHS dentist

  • Your age is under 25 years on the day of examination in Wales or
  • Your age is 60 or above on the day of examination in Wales

It is important to mention here that any subsequent treatment following the free examination will be appropriately charged.

If I am not entitled to free treatment what do I do?

When you are not entitled to free treatment on the NHS scheme in that case your dentist will explain you the relevant procedures and the tentative cost involved in your treatments that you have to pay. These tentative figures are based on the current dental charging system. As per the NHS scheme your dentist has to provide you with a written treatment plan and cost confirmation of your treatment under the following conditions –

  • You ask for it any time
  • You have been to that dentist for the first time
  • You want a part of the treatment or of all of it performed privately
  • Your treatment course is lengthy and complicated

An NHS dentist near me says you will be given a receipt when you pay for your treatment. You can also be rest assured that your dentist will discuss the mode of your payment to make you feel at ease. The dentist is allowed to ask you for payment before you get your treatment.

No charges are deducted from you for missing appointments. But if you keep missing your appointments then they may not provide you with your treatment in future course of time. a dentist is also entitled to terminate a course of treatment if the patient is violent. If the patient refuses to pay any charge that is due in that case too, the dentist can terminate the treatment. On request from a patient the practice may show a copy of their patient attendance policy.

How costly is the NHS dental treatment?

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Let us explore about NHS dentistry and its charges in the following paragraph.

  • You get free treatment and care provided you are exempted from NHS dental charges
  • Otherwise there exist three standard charges for NHS dental treatments
  • Even if you have to visit multiple times to complete a course of a treatment you pay only one charge
  • The amount that you are payable depends on the treatment you require
You pay only one of the charges mentioned below
£14.70This is urgent and “out of hours” care cost.   The cost includes diagnosis, examination and preventive care. If required then the cost will also cover for x-ray, planning for future treatment and scale and polish.
£47.00This charge covers everything that is covered by the £14.70 cost along with additional treatments like tooth extractions, dental fillings and root canal treatment or RCT.
£203.00This charge covers everything that are covered by both £14.70 and £47.00 charges. In addition to that this also covers dental crowns, bridges and dentures.
It is important to note that an NHS prescription is free and it involves no cost.


As far as dentures are concerned these are free of charge on the NHS Dentist Raynes park explains a dentist working at the SW19 Confidental Clinic. However you will be charged an amount of £58.50 for denture replacement in case your dentures are lost or damaged beyond repair.

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